Tuesday, May 17, 2005

BlondeBomb'sHell: Magna's US Competitor files for bankruptcy after Belinda Changes Parties

Surprise! The blondebomb'shell.. is a party girl. So what if she was invited to the big Prom in Ottawa, by her Conservative date, was introduced around, shown the ropes and then after being wined, dined and .... (why yes, even that too... ala Peter Mckay) she decides to screw every single Conservative MP in one gigantic orgiastic act of hubris. Claiming to disdain Conservative party leader Harper's self-centredness, she proceeds to demonstrate in a single act, exactly what she purportedly eschews!

And today, Tuesday, Magna's US competitor, Auto-parts supplier Collins & Aikmans filed for bankruptcy protection. They must understand the Canadian Liberal Party's mehodologies: now that all of Jean Cretien's family and friends are no longer able to feed from the public trough (ref. the Gomery Commission, Bombardier's recent loss of Federal funding and subsequent stock market plunge... beware Bell Expressvu!) there will be billions of freshly paid taxpayer dollars available to throw at "non-advertising" based Canadian companies who know how to hide from the likes of, sharp as a razor: Shiela Frazer, such as , oh... say Magna!

So much money, so little time!

Like the Liberal's once Holy JC said, "So what if a couple of millions of dollars are stolen!" Easy to say when the couple of millions are taxpayer's dollars! That part of Liberal Party Policy won't change... witness all the promises made to anyone who will accept a contract in writing from Paul Martin. We are witnessing improvement: Martin's contracts, unlike some of his predecessor's, Cretien's, are not written on napkins!

Oh when, oh when, will my turn come? Please Mr. Martin, sign a cheque, not a contract and don't post date it for after Thursday of this week.


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