Monday, May 30, 2005

JarJar W. Bush: The Lone Star Wars in Iraq!

JarJar W. delcared war on Iraq ostensibly for two reasons:

1. Because Sadam was supporting terrorism (he gave money to the Palestinians whose houses were bulldozed by the Israeli army) and surprise, surprise, this past week, JarJar W. announced that huge sums of American Taxpayer's money will be heading to Pallistine for the same purpose: "housing development."

2. The other more pressing issue, I think, was just a misunderstanding of JarJar W.'s heavy Texan drawl mangled by his poor command of the English language which gave the world the impression that he wanted to find and "Destroy Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction"... Apparently what he must have intended was what he accomplished: JarJar W. "Destroyed until the Iraqi Masses Weap In Destruction."


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