Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Birkhead, Jerk-head or Block-head: Who Gets Custody Of Baby Dannielynn?

One gave birth to the author of this whole sad, sad fiasco, one donated some sperm and the other contributed a last name... for now at least. Who will get custody of the child?

The Jerk-head bowed out and offered his support to the Birkhead against the Block-head. The Block-head believes that because she’s had experience raising children, she should be able to parent the baby and perhaps manage the hundreds of millions that may be inherited in the future.

So, what kind of parent was Virgie Arthur? How many of her kids became community minded doctors and how many became beautiful drug addicted stripper/soft-core porn stars? Or what about the fact that she was the de facto parent of Anne Nicole’s drug addicted son? Is there a pattern emerging?

Here’s the score to date: the Jerk-head has struck out, the Block-head is batting minus 200 and the sperm donor Birkhead is batting 000, and as such, is the most logical and likely “winner who takes all,” ...minus a ton of legal fees.

Game over. So, media: please turn off the cameras, get out of my living room, go home and let the slugs and low-lifers crawl back into the dark places and piles of garbage with which they choose to surround themselves.

Now we can get back to letting the universe unfold as it should: Where is Paris Hilton these days? Perhaps there is a new video tape of her naked and drowning kittens?

Harper's Only About 28 Weeks Away From A Majority, No Election necessary!

The Blonde bummer-shell, Belinda Stronach elevated the level of Canadian politics today by announcing her resignation from the Liberal Party. While this move will likely improve the fortunes of the Liberals, as it did the Conservatives, it still bodes poorly for the hapless Dion-ites as their membership attrition rate continues to average about 1 MP defection every two weeks. If the trend continues and if the next 14 defectors join the Conservatives, we are only about 28 weeks away from a majority Conservative government - no need for an election!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Going, Going, Dion!

Celine Dion could be queen of Canada in a heartbeat: for Stephane Dion, leadership is at least a decade or two away, maybe, if ever.

Harper hit 42% support as the first choice of Canadians for the next Prime Minister while Dion got 17% and Layton 16%. Here's the real news: Harper was the second choice of 90%+ of everybody after their favourite Candidate. So what? The Reality is: This means that Harper will probably get all of his own support and the entire strategic vote shifting which goes on prior to an election.

Will there be an election this spring? The reality is: Not if the Liberals begin to realize that a minority government only works when everyone cooperates... that means they have to begin to realize that they are not in control any longer, dig in and get real.

Today the CBC cried about all of the Environmental Monitoring Groups whose funding has been axed. The reality is: For all nonpartisan groups who do real work without passing a percentage of the funds on to the Liberal Party, they will likely be supported. The rest will go on the unemployment list until a future Liberal government appoints them to Senate Positions.